History, Social Sciences
No. 22 (2020): Primavera–Verano

Memory, identity and political capital of an opponent. Eugenio Elorduy Walther in front fo the electoral hegemony of PRI in Baja California. 19868-1983

Luis Carlos López
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Published March 1, 2019
How to Cite
López, L. C. (2019). Memory, identity and political capital of an opponent. Eugenio Elorduy Walther in front fo the electoral hegemony of PRI in Baja California. 19868-1983. Letras Históricas E-ISSN: 2448-8372, (22), 255-281. Retrieved from http://letrashistoricas.cucsh.udg.mx/index.php/LH/article/view/7172


The article elaborates a reflection on the oral testimony of Eugenio Elorduy Walther, a political opponent in Baja California in the second half of the 20th century in the context of the electoral hegemony of the PRI in Mexico, to point out the basic elements of his narrative identity and identify your route in the construction of political capital. The debate on oral testimony and its subjectivity and value for historical research is taken into account. Among the results that can be highlighted, is the possibility of telling the political-electoral past from the perspective of an opponent, as opposed to the official narrative.


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