History, Social Sciences
No. 22 (2020): Primavera–Verano

La red socio-técnica del petr´óleo en el norte del estado de Veracruz (1908-1932)

Cándido Eugenio Aguilar Aguilar
El Colegio de San Luis
Published February 18, 2020
How to Cite
Aguilar Aguilar, C. E. (2020). La red socio-técnica del petr´óleo en el norte del estado de Veracruz (1908-1932). Letras Históricas E-ISSN: 2448-8372, (22), 119-147. Retrieved from http://letrashistoricas.cucsh.udg.mx/index.php/LH/article/view/7200


This article argue that oil just do not serve like a handle object in front of the industrialization process, the one began intensify for the mexican modern politics aplication at the beginning of the twentieth century. Oil worked like socio- technical process mediator too, wich generate a technical and informative knowledge network. This process can be exeplified through Dos Bocas accident in 1908 and the drilling system efectivity performed in El Jardin field on 1932, in northern Veracruz.


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