History, Social Sciences

Open Access Statement

We, the editorial team of Letras Históricas, are committed to the fundamental principles of Open Access , which we adopt as a keystone of our editorial activity. We adhere to and follow the  statements that have marked significant milestones in the open access movement:

1. Budapest Declaration (2002): We believe that knowledge is a global public good and that free and unrestricted access to scientific information is essential for the advancement of knowledge. In line with the Budapest Declaration, Letras Históricas offers free and open availability of the information disseminated on our platforms so that any user can read, copy, download, print, or distribute, without interposing economic, legal or technical barriers.

2. Berlin Declaration (2003): We embrace the principle of open access as a means to maximize the visibility, accessibility and usefulness of scientific research. We are committed to adopting policies that encourage the open distribution of research results, allowing for the reuse and reproduction of those results. Hence, we have adopted the CC-BY NC Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International license for published articles.

3. Bethesda Declaration (2003): We recognize the importance of ethics and integrity in scientific research. In line with the Bethesda Declaration, we strive to ensure the open availability of research without compromising quality, credibility, and academic integrity. 

4. San Francisco DORA Statement (2012): We value the diversity of research contributions and recognize that the quality and impact of research should not be evaluated solely by the journal's impact metrics. Historical Letters supports the San Francisco DORA Declaration and is committed to evaluating the quality of research based on broader and more equitable criteria.

With this statement, Letras Históricas reaffirms its commitment to promoting open access research and the adoption of practices that encourage transparency, accessibility and equity in the dissemination of scientific knowledge. We are dedicated to contributing to the advancement of science by facilitating free and universal access to the information produced by academic research. For this reason, Letras Históricas makes its web portal http://letrashistoricas.cucsh.udg.mx/ available to the public, where you can consult and obtain copies of the published documents at no cost. This also includes the total elimination of fees for applicants and authors.


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