History, Social Sciences

Open Access Statement

We, the editorial team of Letras Históricas, are committed to the fundamental principles of Open Access, which we have incorporated as a cornerstone of our editorial activities. All academic texts published in our journal are offered under a diamond open access model.

We adhere to and adopt the following landmark declarations in the Open Access movement:

  1. Budapest Declaration (2002):
    We believe that knowledge is a global public good, and unrestricted access to scientific information is essential for advancing knowledge. In line with the Budapest Declaration, Letras Históricas ensures the open and free availability of the content published on our platform, allowing any user to read, copy, download, print, or distribute without economic, legal, or technical barriers.

  2. Berlin Declaration (2003):
    We embrace open access as a means to maximize the visibility, accessibility, and utility of scientific research. In this regard, Letras Históricas publishes all articles under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0), enabling the reproduction and reuse of published content for non-commercial purposes, provided proper credit is given to the author.

  3. Bethesda Statement (2003):
    We recognize the importance of ethics and integrity in scientific research. In accordance with the Bethesda Statement, we ensure that the open publication of research results does not compromise quality, credibility, or academic integrity.

  4. San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) (2012):
    We value the diversity of contributions to research and recognize that the quality and impact of research should not be evaluated solely by journal-based metrics, such as impact factors. Therefore, Letras Históricas endorses the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment and commits to assessing research quality based on broader and fairer criteria.

At Letras Históricas, authors retain both the copyright and economic rights of their works. By publishing with us, authors grant Letras Históricas the non-exclusive right to distribute and share their articles under the specified license, ensuring open access.

Through this declaration, Letras Históricas reaffirms its commitment to promoting open access, transparency, and equity in the dissemination of scientific knowledge. We eliminate all fees for authors and contributors, ensuring that our content is accessible to everyone without restrictions or costs.

All published content in our journal is freely available for consultation and download through our website: http://letrashistoricas.cucsh.udg.mx/.



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