History, Social Sciences

About the Journal

1. Purpose of the Journal

Letras Históricas is a continuously published journal edited by the University of Guadalajara (Mexico) through the Department of History, Division of Historical and Human Studies, at the University Center of Social Sciences and Humanities (CUCSH). The journal focuses primarily on history as a discipline but welcomes interdisciplinary research connecting history with the social sciences and humanities. It publishes original and unpublished articles resulting from high-level academic research, fostering dialogue and debate on the ongoing construction of historiographical knowledge through the reflective contrast of diverse perspectives and opinions. As an Open Access publication, Letras Históricas adheres to international ethical standards in peer review and academic editing, as established by the indices and databases where the journal is indexed. The journal features two sections: Entramados, for works on historical interpretation, historiographical critique, or theoretical-methodological proposals; and Testimonios, for research focused on primary sources or the publication of previously unpublished documents preceded by detailed analysis.

2. Target Scientific Community

Letras Históricas caters to a diverse academic audience, including historians, researchers, and students from the broad spectrum of social sciences and humanities.

3. Covered Scientific Fields
Letras Históricas primarily focuses on history as a discipline but embraces interdisciplinary research linking history to the social sciences and humanities. It covers historical processes from remote antiquity to contemporary times and spans local, regional, and global contexts.

4. Peer Review and Evaluation Process
Letras Históricas accepts submissions of research articles and theoretical or methodological essays. All submissions undergo a double-blind peer review process requiring at least two approving evaluations to ensure complete anonymity between authors and reviewers. The process begins with the submission via Open Journal System (OJS) and an initial review by the director, editor, and technical secretary, who approve it for peer review. Reviewers have one month to complete their evaluations, submitted through OJS. Authors receive feedback indicating rejection or required revisions for publication. If reviews conflict, a third evaluation determines the final decision. The editorial committee ensures adherence to editorial guidelines and considers reviewers’ recommendations. The journal prohibits reviewers from belonging to the same institution as the author and requires evaluators to be from different academic institutions. Additionally, reviewers are not asked to evaluate more than once within a year.

5. Code of Ethics
Letras Históricas is committed to promoting ethical conduct as a scientific publication, guided by the principles outlined in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The journal guarantees neutrality regarding article content, irrespective of religious, political, ethnic, gender, or other potentially controversial ideologies. The editorial process relies on trust among authors, reviewers, and editors, ensuring adherence to ethical principles at all stages. The journal’s detailed ethics statement is available at http://letrashistoricas.cucsh.udg.mx/index.php/LH/etica.

6. Institutional Diversity Policy
No more than 20% of articles in any issue may be authored by individuals affiliated with the University of Guadalajara.

7. Document Types
Accepted articles:

Letras Históricas also welcomes book reviews of recently published works (no older than two years), published in a separate section on the website, with a length of 1,000 to 2,000 words.

8. Publication Languages
Letras Históricas publishes articles in Spanish and English, retaining the language originally used by the authors.

9. Publication Frequency
Letras Históricas publishes articles continuously, with one issue per year.

10. Open Access Statement
Letras Históricas reaffirms its commitment to promoting open access research and adopting practices that encourage transparency, accessibility, and equity in the dissemination of scientific knowledge. We are dedicated to advancing science by providing free and universal access to the information produced through academic research. To this end, Letras Históricas offers its academic texts as diamond open access through its official website at http://letrashistoricas.cucsh.udg.mx, where documents can be accessed and downloaded free of charge. This policy also includes the complete elimination of fees for contributors and authors. For further details, please refer to our full Open Access Declaration.

11. Repository Policy
Authors retain rights to their work and may archive submitted, accepted, and published versions, recognizing the journal as the original place of publication and linking to its website. Articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, allowing for non-commercial distribution and adaptation with proper credit. The journal collaborates with institutional and public repositories, such as Scielo, ensuring data protection and open knowledge access. For further details, please refer to our full Repository Policy.

12. Publishing Institution
The editorial committee of Letras Históricas comprises a director, an editor, and a technical secretary. The director must be affiliated with the University of Guadalajara.

13. Funding Model
Letras Históricas is funded by the Department of History at the Division of Historical and Human Studies, University Center of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Guadalajara. Institutional resources cover digital and print publication and dissemination costs.



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