History, Social Sciences
No. 21 (2019): Otoño–Invierno

La prensa jalisciense ante Lozada: el agrarista como peligro al proceso civilizador (1867 – 1872)

Sebastián Porfirio Herrera Guevara
Universidad de Guadalajara
Published April 22, 2019
How to Cite
Herrera Guevara, S. P. (2019). La prensa jalisciense ante Lozada: el agrarista como peligro al proceso civilizador (1867 – 1872). Letras Históricas E-ISSN: 2448-8372, (21). https://doi.org/10.31836/lh.v0i21.7188


Abstract: The present work tries to give an account of the reasons why there was a broad and systematic coverage of the Lozadista movement and its leader, reconstructing the context in which Lozada consolidated its regional power, as well as the relevant actions that were carried out in that period. In the same way, the work analyzes this coverage to understand the central elements of journalistic criticism towards lozadism, towards the way it was thought and reflected, highlighting the arguments and criticisms. To this end, various press organs contemporary with the so-called Álica tiger were used. Keywords: Lozada, Movement, Representation, Press, Agrarianism.


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