History, Social Sciences
Colaboraciones especiales
Special Collaborations 2019

La Reforma Bancaria en México 1913–1925

Miguel Eduardo Millán Baquedano
Escuela Bancaria y Comercial y Facultad de Economía de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Published May 15, 2019
  • banks,
  • reform
How to Cite
Millán Baquedano, M. E. (2019). La Reforma Bancaria en México 1913–1925. Letras Históricas E-ISSN: 2448-8372. Retrieved from https://letrashistoricas.cucsh.udg.mx/index.php/LH/article/view/7223


The establishment of banking in Mexico, has been a controversial fact in all areas, not just in economic terms, but in political and legal structures that actually take that step required for a process of institutionalization through legal foundation that gives formality to a banking system. The essay objective was to limit the most relevant information which was constituting the construction of a banking system, based on the behavior of the same from its earliest settlements in Mexico, even as the situation at the dawn of the twentieth century led to glimpse another actually, whose completion point formation of the Bank of Mexico.


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