History, Social Sciences
No. 24: Spring–Summer 2021

José Renau's muralistic project at Casino de la Selva in Cuernavaca, Mexico

Dulze Perez Aguirre
Instituto Michoacano de Ciencias de la Educación José Mería Morelos
Published July 4, 2021
How to Cite
Perez Aguirre, D. (2021). José Renau’s muralistic project at Casino de la Selva in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Letras Históricas E-ISSN: 2448-8372, (24). https://doi.org/10.31836/lh.24.7273


The mural project that José Renau carried out in the Casino de la Selva in 1944. The objective is to rescue the importance of this commission and to identify the changes that Renau made in Spain towards America to give rise to the current version, at the same time, to warn that it was part of a mural proposal that was not concluded because Renau and Suárez broke off relations. Likewise, to demonstrate the contributions that Renau made to Mexican muralism through the staging of the conquest of America that contrasts with the vision of Diego Rivera in the murals of the Palacio de Hernán Cortés.


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