History, Social Sciences
No. 30: Year 2024

The patriotic catechism of Emiliano R. Fernández as political invocation in postwar Paraguay (1936–1937)

Erasmo González González
Investigador Independiente
Published August 13, 2024
  • Catechism,
  • nationalism,
  • Paraguay,
  • patriotism,
  • politics
How to Cite
González González, E. (2024). The patriotic catechism of Emiliano R. Fernández as political invocation in postwar Paraguay (1936–1937). Letras Históricas E-ISSN: 2448-8372, (30), 28 pp. https://doi.org/10.31836/lh.30.7447


Among the variety of verses written by the popular Paraguayan poet, Emiliano R. Fernández, there is a patriotic catechism in support of the presidency of Colonel Rafael Franco. This catechism was a political invocation that did not have a significant impact on the population, as its publication in any written media of the time is unknown. However, it constitutes an interesting document for understanding the political vision of a bard who was distant from circles of power, proposing civic virtues in a post-war, revolutionary, and nationalist context. This article seeks to understand the influence of Colonel Franco's government on the catechism of Emiliano R. Fernández for post-war Paraguayan society as a model of social coexistence. Additionally, it aims to understand the poet's intention in writing the catechism. To this end, its content is analyzed by comparing it with the new government's discourse and the measures adopted. This catechism was the only written political support from the poet towards this president, so it is argued that its purpose was the product of a circumstantial effort to support a government whose discourse aligned with the political ideal he himself idealized.


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